
The Healer’s Initiation for Energetic Mastery & Soul-Aligned Success


Elevation is an online 6 month small group container to help you embody your Mastery as a healer, and step into your true power. Through a combination of healing, activations, and coaching, you will be empowered to launch or expand your spiritual business and live a joyful and abundant life.

Who are you?

You know deep in your soul that you came to this planet to be a healer. You are ready to strip back the layers of limitation, live from your heart, and activate your Divine power. You are ready to be initiated: to go on a journey of profound healing and shifts, in order to step into your Mastery. You are ready to expand your healing abilities, and to create or elevate a prosperous and soul-aligned business. You are ready to remember who you came here to be.

You are already a healer or teacher of any modality: Reiki, Theta Healing, Kinesiology, Sound Healing, Yoga, Breathwork, Mediumship, Channelling (the list could go on!). You may have seen 0 paying clients, or hundreds - either way you are ready to go to the next level.

This program is for you if at least one of these things resonates with you:

  • You want to open or expand your spiritual business

  • You feel like an impostor 

  • You are qualified but haven’t been practising on clients and need the push to get started

  • You have been practising on clients but want to go deeper in your sessions, attract more soul aligned clients, have a bigger impact, and create more abundance

  • You feel like your income is capped in your current business model

  • You want to feel more fulfilled: inspired, juicy, and overflowing rather than burnt out

Welcome home. This is the place where you remember who you are. Where you commit to yourself and your mission so fully that the Universe responds with infinite healing, alignment and abundance.

1st October 2024 - 18th March 2025

Program Structure

5 modules to align you with your soul purpose and elevate:

  • Your gifts

  • Your business strategy & abundance

  • Your creative expression

  • Your healing & energetic Mastery

  • Your Divine connection

12 x fortnightly live group calls: a combination of coaching, healing, and activations (recordings available)

12 x pre-recorded processes to support you between live sessions

2 x 1:1 coaching & healing sessions with Joanna

Interactive workbook to support your journey

Live call dates - Tuesdays 7pm-8.30pm:

1st October (New Moon in Libra)
15th October
29th October
12th November
26th November
10th December
[Christmas Break]
7th January
21st January
4th February
18th February
4th March
18th March (Full Moon in Libra)

Recordings will be available but you are highly encouraged to attend live where possible

Your journey of elevation…

Module 1

Elevate your gifts & align with your soul purpose

“I am the wisdom in my bones and in the stars”

In this module you will connect to your ancestral lineage and your cosmic origins in order to remember who you are and why you chose to incarnate at this time. We will re-activate any soul gifts that are ready to come online, and align you with your soul purpose and Divine mission. This module includes an ancestral healing process, and a Ka Body (5th Dimensional Light Body) activation. You will also receive healings and activations for your Earth Star & Soul Star Chakras. Feel deeply rooted in your purpose, and inspired and supported to take your next steps forward.

Module 2

Elevate your business strategy & abundance

“I attract soul-aligned clients & build my legacy with ease”

In this module you will get clear on what success looks like for you, and map out actionable steps towards prosperity in your spiritual business. We will heal anything that is keeping you stuck in scarcity or unworthiness (focusing on the Base & Solar Plexus Chakras), and shift you from procrastination to aligned action. You will receive coaching from an expert guest teacher who specialises in marketing strategy for conscious entrepreneurs. You will also receive a healing for your Divine Masculine template to boost your clarity, direction, and drive. Get more clients, think outside the box, expand your offerings and create lasting abundance.

Module 3

Elevate your creative expression & manifest your desires

“I am the Creatrix; a magnet for all that I desire”

This module is about embodiment. Here you will learn how to work with the wisdom of your body, flow with your natural cycles, magnetise & manifest your desires, and birth your creations into being. You will receive a Magnetic Embodiment Process, a Divine Feminine template healing, a Throat Chakra Healing (healing the “witch wound” or fear of visibility), and a Sacral Chakra Healing. You will also receive coaching around cultivating your unique style and branding in your business. Honour your truth, find your creative flow, and express your authentic YOU.

Module 4

Elevate your healing & energetic mastery

“I am a sovereign being. I serve from an overflowing cup”

This module is like a boot-camp for empaths. Train and strengthen your energetic boundaries. Release people-pleasing tendencies and honour your own heart. Learn advanced protection techniques so that you can safely expand your healing capacity and wholeheartedly hold space. Learn to fill your own cup so that you can lead from a place of peace, love, and joy. You will receive processes to clear and protect your energy, as well as healings and activations for your Heart & High Heart Chakras. Become a sought-after healer for your gift of holding space, and feel filled up and nourished by your work.

Module 5

Elevate your Divine connection

“I am a multi-dimensional being of light”

In this module you will activate or expand your psychic abilities, develop your relationship with Spirit, and know yourself as a Divine being. You will receive coaching around working with light beings (e.g your Higher Self, Angels, Elementals, Ascended Masters, Galactic Beings), channeling and discernment - and how to best apply these skills for yourself and your clients. You will receive a healing for your Third Eye, an activation for your Crown Chakra, and two Ka Body Activations designed to expand your psychic abilities and strengthen your connection with the Divine. Tap into the support, love, and guidance that is always available to you as you continue on your journey.

Your investment options

This container is designed to stand alone, or to be bundled with my Reiki Master Practitioner Training (if you have already completed Level II). Reiki Master Practitioner is running from 7th May - 2nd June 2024. Please note: you can absolutely enrol in Elevation without having studied Reiki. However, you must be certified - or currently be in training for a certification - in some form of healing modality. Exceptions may be made for those practising their natural-born, or ancenstral gifts, for example mediumship, indigenous healing, kitchen witchery etc. Please reach out via joanna@joannatolley.com if this is you. See your investment options below and please reach out for alternative length payment plans to suit your needs.

Earlybird pricing (sign up before 31st May 2024):


Pay in Full

($3,500 when earlybird ends)


For 10 months

($350 when earlybird ends)

Meet your guest mentors

Marius Wenning: Conscious Business Strategist

Hello! I am Marius, a digital marketing strategist who's traveled across all continents and turned my life journey into a fulfilling mission of guiding conscious entrepreneurs towards a heart aligned business success. I first joined the Google Partners program in 2016, have spent millions of dollars on advertising, tried all possible marketing strategies and accumulated a wealth of marketing knowledge along the way, which I am now utilising to empower inspiring people like you to start a business & life you truly love.

Besides my marketing knowledge I am walking the path of self discovery, have explored multiple healing modalities, delved deep with Ayahuasca and San Pedro, earned my certification as a breathwork facilitator, and worked extensively with small entrepreneurs just like you for many years. My unique blend of marketing knowledge, analytics and personal growth helps business owners to get exactly what they need, when they need it. I can’t wait to support your journey of Elevation!

Cass Deller: Artist & Creative Coach

Hi, I’m Cass! I believe that we are the creators of our own life and we get to choose exactly how it looks. There are NO limits to what we can achieve and create in this world!

I believe that each of us have natural gifts that feel SO EASY and SO NATURAL that we take them for granted and don’t even realise they are our gifts. I believe that our adulthood is about un-learning societal behaviours and beliefs and re-learning to look at the world with wonder, like we did as a child. I believe this life is meant to be easy and fun, and that if we listen to the whispers, follow the inner nudges and stay true to what comes naturally to us then we will have a beautiful and successful life.

I look forward to helping you align with your authentic style so that your light shines through in your business in a fun and magnetic way.

Who am I?

My name is Joanna Tolley. I once heard that Tolley means “Gatekeeper”, and that resonates with me so strongly as I believe that I am here to help you open up the gate, or the doorway, for you to walk the path of your soul’s highest expression in this lifetime. As a child I was very sensitive and intuitive, and obsessed with all things crystals and magick. I would have extremely vivid dreams which I now recognise as past-life rememberings. At some point I developed intense night terrors which were unexplainable by western medicine, but completely ceased after my Mom took me to see an energy healer. I am so grateful to my Mom for being open enough to take that path. The woman I saw said to me after the session “you are going to be a healer”. I didn’t think any of it at the time, but now I think about it often. I recognise that same energy in others, and believe that it is my role to get as many healers out into the world impacting humanity in a positive way. For a while, I got lost on my path (hello numbing/playing out childhood wounds and calling it a party-girl phase)...but thankfully around 2016-2018 I began to find my way back - diving deep into my own healing journey and training as a Yoga Teacher and a Reiki Master. Now I have many students who I’ve taken through Reiki Level I & II, some of whom I have also mentored 1:1 in setting up their businesses. Through witnessing the development of my students I have noticed some common themes. Which is…

…why I developed this program

There are so many people out there who have trained in healing modalities and have imposter syndrome. “Who am I to do this and to ask for money for it?”, “Am I doing it right?”, “What if my client doesn’t feel anything?” - sounds familiar right? Or, perhaps you don’t feel like an imposter, but you know that there is MORE. That there are more levels for you to unlock in your healing and in your business.

When I completed my Reiki Master training, a part of me knew that I was already a Master - that I chose to incarnate as one after many lifetimes of initiation and training - but there was a HUGE part of me that felt like a massive fake. Thankfully, my soul calling was so strong that I dedicated myself to embodying my Mastery by working with my healers, undertaking more spiritual trainings, and employing a business coach. I put A LOT of time, work, and money into getting myself to where I am today. And then I realised - what if I could package all of that stuff that I had to go out there and find myself - and weave that together into a healer’s initiation. BOOM. So here we are. This container is a Divinely guided combination of teaching, healing, activations, and mentorship to help you embody your Mastery as a healer, and create a prosperous business that will impact the world.

Your investment options

This container is designed to stand alone, or to be bundled with my Reiki Master Practitioner Training (if you have already completed Level II). Reiki Master Practitioner is running from 7th May - 2nd June 2024. Please note: you can absolutely enrol in Elevation without having studied Reiki. However, you must be certified - or currently be in training for a certification - in some form of healing modality. Exceptions may be made for those practising their natural-born, or ancenstral gifts, for example mediumship, indigenous healing, kitchen witchery etc. Please reach out via joanna@joannatolley.com if this is you. See your investment options below and please reach out for alternative length payment plans to suit your needs.

Earlybird pricing (sign up before 31st May 2024):


Pay in Full

($3,500 when earlybird ends)


For 10 months

($350 when earlybird ends)